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Being around other people who smokeBoundaries and being prepared

Being around other people who smoke when you're quitting can be a difficult trigger, especially if you used to smoke with them. Think about setting boundaries and making some adjustments –

Ask the people who smoke in your life to:


That you have stopped smoking

Not smoke

No smoking around you

Keep tobacco out of sight

No cigarette packs and empty their ashtrays

Take their cigarettes with them

When they leave your home

Help to quit

Free, confidential, evidence-based support to quit smoking, vaping, or tobacco for New Yorkers.

Respect you

That you have stopped smoking

Not smoke

No smoking around you

Keep tobacco out of sight

No cigarette packs and empty their ashtrays

Take their cigarettes with them

When they leave your home

Tasks for you:

Make your home and car smoke-free zones

If it’s not possible to have a smoke-free home, find one smoke-free place for yourself.

Always remember your reasons for stopping smoking

Your reasons will help you through tough times.

Stay clear

Don’t buy, carry, light, or hold cigarettes for others.


Have something for hand-to-mouth cravings (your quit kit).


When others light up, leave. Don’t return until they are done.


You are a nonsmoker, practice turning down an offer of a cigarette. “No thanks, I’ve stopped smoking” usually works!

Make your home and car smoke–free zones

If it’s not possible to have a smoke–free home, find one smoke–free place for yourself.

Always remember your reasons for stopping smoking

Your reasons will help you through tough times.

Stay clear

Don’t buy, carry, light, or hold cigarettes for others.


Have something for hand-to-mouth cravings (your quit kit).


When others light up, leave. Don’t return until they are done.


You are a nonsmoker, practice turning down an offer of a cigarette. “No thanks, I’ve stopped smoking” usually works.

Quit Kit: Try - Snacks – licorice, sunflower seeds, or pumpkin seeds can calm feelings of hunger and offer a low-calorie snack. Activities – deep breathing (Breathe in slowly through your nose and out through your mouth. Count to four with each inhale and exhale. Repeat for 5- minutes.), word puzzles or a stress ball can provide distraction during cravings too! Cravings – keeping toothpicks or cinnamon sticks in your mouth can provide hand-to-mouth craving relief. Chew or hold these in your mouth when you feel a craving.
Last updated 2/10/2022 10:25 AM
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Hours of operation
Mon-Thurs 9AM-9PM, Fri-Sun 9AM-5PM. Chat and text support may vary from the hours above based on request volume and coach availability. For immediate support, please call during operational hours.
People who identify as Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Speech Impaired
Please call the NY Relay Service at 7-1-1 (Voice or TTY), and provide the operator with the Quitline number 1-866-NY-QUITS (1-866-697-8487).
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Developed by Roswell Park Cessation Services for the NYS Quitline. Located in Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Elm & Carlton Streets, Buffalo, NY 14203. *NYS Quitline logo cannot be reproduced without permission. Privacy.

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