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Slips & RelapseDon't give up, keep trying


Slips occur when you have one cigarette or “small” amounts of smoking, during your quit process. Slips are often part of the quit process.

If you slip, it’s OK. Remember, you can do this. Like mistakes, slips can be learning tools. You can turn a slip into something positive.



The longer you delay addressing a slip the more likely it can become a relapse.

Relapse occurs when you have gone back to smoking close to the amount you were smoking before you quit. What was working for you to stay smoke–free? What caused you to slip?

What can you do differently?

Stop–smoking medications

These can really help to take the edge off – be sure you are using them correctly and are using enough.

More about medications

Plan for triggers and cravings

Old routines can trigger cravings. Change your daily routines and try to head off triggers.

Avoid alcohol

Cut back or avoid alcohol, at least until you become a confident nonsmoker. Why? Alcohol can make you more prone to go back to smoking.

Reasons to quit

Don’t lose sight of why you wanted to quit in the first place and all the benefits that come with it.

Reward yourself

Quitting smoking is hard – remember to reward yourself. You deserve it!

Help to quit

Free, confidential, evidence-based support to quit smoking, vaping, or tobacco for New Yorkers.

Don’t be so hard on yourself! The most important thing is to learn from your experience – get back on track, and keep trying.

Last updated 2/10/2022 10:25 AM
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Hours of operation
Mon-Thurs 9AM-9PM, Fri-Sun 9AM-5PM. Chat and text support may vary from the hours above based on request volume and coach availability. For immediate support, please call during operational hours.
People who identify as Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Speech Impaired
Please call the NY Relay Service at 7-1-1 (Voice or TTY), and provide the operator with the Quitline number 1-866-NY-QUITS (1-866-697-8487).
If you have questions or concerns about the accessibility of any part of this website, please contact us at

Developed by Roswell Park Cessation Services for the NYS Quitline. Located in Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Elm & Carlton Streets, Buffalo, NY 14203. *NYS Quitline logo cannot be reproduced without permission. Privacy.

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